This Is U.S. We Are Tawnee And Luis.

The Husband And Wife Duo Behind Urban Shindigs. Since 2010, We’ve Been Bringing ‘Outside The Box’ Weddings & Events To Life. She Does The Planning & He Does The DJ’ing. In 2016, We Had A Health Scare That Re-directed Our Path To Take Charge Of Our Health And Adopt A Whole Foods Plant Based Lifestyle, A Minimalistic Way Of Living, And A Conscious Awareness To Harmful Toxic Consumables. Throughout the lifespan of Urban Shindigs, we both worked at UC San Diego for 15 years. During our last year in 2022, we found our higher purpose and decided to leave the corporate world to better serve our community and take on full time entrepreneurship.

Today, we are utilizing our skills in many different areas: Weddings & Events, Health & Lifestyle, Business, and Education

Weddings & Events:

For over a decade, we have been providing wedding and event services for San Diego, surrounding areas and destination. Our services include planning, design, coordination, DJ / MC, sound and audio. Types of events we cater to include: weddings, corporate, community, fundraising, school events, non-profit, kid's parties, and all of life's celebrations. We also own and operate a weddings and events venue, L1920. Located in Alpine, California.

Health & Lifestyle:

We are committed to a WHOLE lifestyle. With certified whole foods plant based nutrition based packages, we offer a range of services from; 1-on-1 consultations, two-week detox, a 30 day reset, meal plans, and whole foods plant based nutrition education and coaching. We highly encourage a 'non-toxic' lifestyle which includes sobriety, minimalistic way of living, and non-toxic health and beauty products. We offer a non-toxic, plant based line of haircare, skincare, body care, and wellness through our partnership with Modern Nature.

Business Services

We specialize in website building, design, marketing, branding, SEO (search engine optimization) social media content, networking, and on-brand corporate events via Members of Alpine Mountain Empire chamber of commerce since 2022.


Currently, we sit on the board of directors for the Alpine Education Foundation and the Hawaiian Civic Club of San Diego. Through AEF, we have established a program called 'Little Learners'. A fun, interactive story hour for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Luis, or Mr. L serves as a coding / robotics instructor, music, and created his own nutrition and DJ'ing summer camps. Through these non-profits, we coordinate fundraising opportunities for students; including educational scholarships, steam programs, educational materials and supplies, and preservation of all things Hawaiian. 

The Gomez Family,

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” - Romans 8:28

Urban Shindigs Weddings & Events Luis and Tawnee Gomez San Diego